A planned economy is also called a
central planned economy or a command economy. This system is based by decisions
such as what to produce, how to produce it and who to produce for. All this
decisions are made by a central body and in this system the central body is the
government. The government sets up everything, they decide the wages and decide
the prices through central planning. The government decides for the people and
for their best interests. The decisions they have to make are numerous and that
makes planning very difficult. It is almost impossible to accomplish a
satisfactory level of efficiency, if someone adds the need to forecast future
events. A planned economy has many advantages like competition is avoided, they
concentrate more in life such as in hospitals, education, there is low percentage of unemployment, prices are normally kept under control and affordable for people, and there is less inequality of resources.
A free market economy, also called
a private enterprise economy or capitalism use prices to portion goods and
services. Every single production is managed by a private company, there is no
government intervention. The companies set wages and prices in the economy.
Companies make independent decision of what to buy at given prices and
producers decide if they want to buy those products. Producers’ decisions are
changed if the form of demand is altered because then there will be changes in
the amount of supply. When consumers and producers work for their own interest,
the market works to give the best outcome for both, consumers and producers.
Many of the advantages of a free market economy is that there is little
government intervention, prices are set up based on how much the population can
afford, unlike a planned economy the population can buy or reject goods freely,
demands for a product or service create more jobs for people, people are
motivated to improve their lives economically as there is no government
limiting of what they can gain. A free market economy can easily control if there
is too much demand of a supply as companies can change what they produce
instead of going through the government first, there are many varieties of
goods and services and it encourages competition. However many of the
disadvantages of this type of economy makes us doubt on it. Companies can fail
in providing goods or services, some companies offer more goods and services to
people who are economically better than others, some members of society will
not be able to work and therefore will not be able to earn and since there is
no government intervention, they get no help.
I believe a free market economy is
the best option for people. It is complicated for a planned economy to control
the total production, investment trade and consumption therefore there will be
misallocation of resources and shortages. The government is the one that makes
the decision and these can lead to a loss of freedom of choice. Some
governments may not share the same ideas as the majority of the population and
since they have absolute power they can apply plans that may not convince the
population. Workers and managers do not gain profits and are difficult to
Information extracted from:
IB economic text book
Information extracted from:
IB economic text book